My Favorite Books: Fiction

This list contains all of my favorite books that I’ve given a 5-star rating on Goodreads and StoryGraph. I used to be such a bookworm, and I’m trying to get back there! I wish all books could be 5-star favorites.

My Favorite Books in the World

For a book to get 5-stars from me, it has to meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • I couldn’t put it down
  • I read it more than once
  • I still think about it years later

I will indicate which criteria apply to each book on the list.

Without further ado, in alphabetical order, so as not to play favorites amongst my favorites, these are my favorite books of all time.

So there you have it! My favorite books in the fiction category. If you’re interested in non-fiction, knitting or board books, I have lists for those, too!

Grab a latte, a pastry, some knitting if you’re a multitasker, and enjoy!

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